

This is a page dedicated to me talking about my goals, which I hope will help keep me accountable on them! 😃

Revize The Coffee Shop Book:

I want to make this book the best it can be, so revisions are on the horizon.

Become an NYT Bestselling Author:

Aiming high, am I right? Quite honestly, putting this goal out there is slightly terrifying because I have no clue how I’m going to do this! But again, keeping me accountable.

Sell 30,000 Books

Okay, okay, super huge goal! BUT! In the traditional publishing industry, it takes selling 30,000 copies of a book for it to be considered a successful investment. Therefore, I want to set myself the same goal.

Write 10 Million Words:

Am I crazy? Maybe. But my goal is to write 10 million words by August 18, 2065. Which is a super long time away. BUT I have a good reason: I became a serious writer in 2015, and it took me about 5 1/2 years to write 1 million. With that math, it will take m 45 years to write the next 9 million. (Hopefully I’ll get faster at writing, though 😆)